uploads/removal van.jpg

removal van 搬運卡車〔特別是供搬家用〕。


A crowd had gathered to watch the arrival of the instrument which was to form the centerpiece of this year ' s festival , but was stunned to see it tumble from the removal van 這家鋼琴是今年宴會的主角,大家都聚在一起等著看鋼琴的到來,最后卻都瞪大了眼睛看到鋼琴從搬運車上滾落下來。

Mid afternoon , a car followed by two huge removal vans arrived outside the front door , several workers started to carry furniture and boxes into the house 過午后,兩臺巨大的搬家卡車跟隨著一輛車子到達前門外面,幾個工人開始搬運家具和箱子進屋子里來。

I thought i saw a removals van outside your house yesterday afternoon 昨天下午我看見運貨車在你門外。

It was nearly dark by the time the removal vans left 當搬家卡車離開時天已幾乎昏暗了。